Other Publications

Other Published Work…

Here are some cool stuff I was lucky enough to be a part of, created by and alongside some incredible people and organizations. Thank you so much for checking them out. You are appreciated!

Art Block is a student-run DSTL Arts program that produces a biannual zine by the same name. The Art Block Zine is put together by a student-led editorial board that meets on a weekly basis and reviews all submissions for content, theme, and artistic quality.

This issue's theme is "change." We have collected here visual art, stories, poetry, and photography that demonstrate a strong sense of change, both personal and beyond.

All proceeds from the sale of this zine benefits DSTL Arts and our free programs for emerging artists from underserved communities in Los Angeles.

My photography is featured in this zine alongside talented LA-based artists and writers. You can click on the image to purchase this issue, and to support DSTL’s mission to uplift local voices/artists.

Los Angeles Poets for Justice: A Document for the People, is a call to action to humanity, to bear witness and share their stories and interpretations of the affairs of the world in 2020, and especially after the brutal murder of George Floyd.

This call to action is from the Los Angeles Poet Society, serving creative communities since 2009, and is the first document produced by Los Angeles Poet Society Press.

Jessica M, founder of LA Poet Society, made the decision to place an image I took (during the George Floyd protests) as the book cover of this powerful anthology full of impactful poems and photography. I am humbly grateful to her and the LA Poet Society. You can click on the image to purchase and support her incredible organization full local artists.

LKZ is proud to be a member of the Creative Zine Coalition, a non-profit, philanthropic community of zines and zine editors dedicated to using art as a tool for activism.

My photography is featured in this zine. You can click on the image to check it out and support this dope zine and their efforts!